Dance Summer School 2024

Dance Summer School is all about

creating memories

You will also work hard, learn new skills and have fun doing what you love!

We have two summer schools running this year.

One for our younger students aged 7 - 11 years and one for our senior students aged 12+ years.

Each day will run from 10 - 3pm and students will participate in 2, two hour workshops, with an hour lunch break in the middle.

Sign up now and enjoy fun dance filled days!

Summer School 2024

  • Junior Dance Summer School

    8 - 9 August

    Booking £60

    A two day summer school for our junior students aged 7 - 11 years. Our students will participate in a wide variety of dance style workshops over the course of the three days.

  • Senior Dance Summer School

    5 - 7th August

    Booking £75

    A three day summer school for our Senior Students aged 12+ years. Our students will participate in a wide variety of dance style workshops over the course of the three days.